Paladino: Obama is a Muslim


Within the cache of emails my colleagues and I revealed at in 2010 was one from tea party Assemblyman David DiPietro. It claimed that President Obama was a Muslim.

The Buffalo News’ Sandra Tan caught up with him and he was wishy-washy about whether he thought the President was Muslim. (He was in agreement before he was in alleged disagreement). First, DiPietro told Tan, 

“Barack Obama is a Muslim,” said DiPietro, former East Aurora mayor. “I don’t like the president. I think he’s a Muslim. I think he’s a foreigner to our nation. I oppose every principle he stands for.”

DiPietro called Tan back. 

He later said he spoke in the heat of the moment and apologized if he sounded offensive.

“He says he’s a Christian,” DiPietro said, referring to Obama. “Until that’s proven otherwise, I’ll take him at his word. I’m not going to question anyone’s religion. Your faith is your faith. I don’t question anyone’s faith. I just would like honesty with all his policies.”

Dishonest and unprincipled. Prejudiced. 

Not that there would be anything wrong with being Muslim. It’s just that Obama isn’t, and part of the reason why Caucasian Obama haters use the Muslim faith as a smear is because they are (a) Islamophobes; and (b) Obamaphobes. It’s a way for them to confirm for themselves what they already believe – that President Obama isn’t one of us. He isn’t a real American. Some think he is on a Muslim/Communist mission to destroy America. All of it is rooted in deep racism. 

For these types of tea party right-wing bigots, saying bigoted stuff is evidence of their opposition to “political correctness”; being anti-PC is the new PC for this crowd, and they use it as a way to justify their racial or religious animus.  

So, we turn to Carl Paladino, local coward and tea party bigot who is Donald Trump’s campaign co-chair in New York, a former and possibly future failed candidate for governor, and local embarrassment. It was Paladino to whom DiPietro sent that “Heeza Muzzlim” email. The New York Observer quoted Paladino in a story Thursday night, in which he laid bare his misguided belief that the President isn’t a real Christian or American. 

Speaking over the phone for an unrelated story, Carl Paladino—the 2010 GOP candidate for governor of New York—abruptly changed subjects and assailed the sitting president and his policies. The Buffalo-based real estate developer and Tea Party activist maintained that Obama, a practicing Christian, has sought to mislead the public about his religious affiliation, but that the citizenry has not fallen for his falsehoods.

Get that? The Observer – owned by Ivanka Trump’s husband – was speaking with Paladino about something completely different, and he spontaneously pivoted to this Obama-as-Muslim-foreigner fantasy. 

“In the mind of the average American, there is no doubt he is a Muslim,” Paladino said. “He is not a Christian.”

Sure, for Paladino, for whom being a “Christian” means forwarding hardcore pornography, including video of a horse having anal sex with a human woman, and having a whole second side family. Obama is not, indeed, that kind of “Christian”. 

By way of proof, Paladino seemed to argue Obama has taken a pro-Muslim approach in conducting American affairs abroad.

“Look at what he’s done with Iran, what he’s done with the Sunni-Shia thing over in Iraq and Iran, and with ISIS,” the Republican said.

Wait a minute. What has Obama done with “the Sunni-Shia thing over in Iraq and Iran”? What is that supposed to even mean? What the fuck is this doddering old racist talking about? The US has been raining bombs on ISIS for over a year, and ISIS’ territory in Syria and Iraq has shrunken significantly. As for Iran, whether you agree with Obama’s outreach to that country or not, his diplomatic initiatives there prove he’s a Muslim about as much as his diplomacy with Singapore make him a Southeast Asian. It’s just ignorant. 

Contrary to Paladino’s assertions, the average American does not seem to believe there is “no doubt” the president is a Muslim: polls indicate only 18 to 29 percent of the populace identify him as an adherent of the world’s second-largest religion. However, surveys suggest a full two-thirds of Trump supporters believe the president has hidden his true allegiances to the Quran and the holy city of Mecca.

So, there is quite a disconnect between real America, and what people like Paladino would call “real America”. The Observer piece goes on to outline Trump’s long and storied history with birther fanaticism, and Paladino’s email issues

The thing that so desperately perplexes old racists like Carl is that President Obama is a one-family man, happily married to the same, one woman his adult life, and with two strong, intelligent young daughters – with only his wife. President Obama actually lives those Christian values to which Paladino pays only lip service. Meanwhile, Paladino supports a guy who is on wife #3 and has five kids with different women. Divorce, suffice it to say, isn’t exactly smiled upon in most Christian sects

There’s nothing wrong with people being divorced or having families like Trump. But people who choose to use “Christian values” as a sword but don’t actually live up to them in their own lives, or are selective about their application, are rotten hypocrites.

Carl Paladino’s dream candidate is going to lose. If Carl chooses to run for governor again, he’s going to lose – bigger than in 2010. Carl Paladino is so inept he’s lost his majority on the school board. His animus for President Obama is hilarious given how well his companies seem to be doing. He reveals himself – again – to be little more than a hypocritical bigot who gives Buffalo and WNY a bad name. 

UPDATE: This, from Niagara Falls residents Rus and Jul Thompson’s ignorant Facebook circle-jerk (read more WNY’s political couple most likely to be found in /r/trashy here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.) 

There’s only one conclusion that can be drawn from such persuasive rhetoric and flawless logic. The Thompsons and Paladino are all Muslims. 

Erie County GOP’s Trump Problem


When the history of Donald Trump’s political rise and fall is written, the Erie County Republican Committee will feature prominently. Few political organizations have done more to enable him than it, and its official party organ, WBEN. 

This entanglement dates back to the unsuccessful 2014 effort to convince Trump to run for governor against Andrew Cuomo. WBEN slavishly tripped over GOP apparatchiks jointly to promote and puff the “draft Trump” effort. Nick Langworthy and Carl Paladino were at the helm, joined by Conservative Fusion Party chair Ralph Lorigo and tea party Assemblyman David DiPietro, as WNY-based right wing leaders shuttled to 5th Avenue to deliver their pitch. 

Trump decided not to run for Governor, but repaid his flatterers with a fundraiser appearance at Salvatore’s in Depew. Despite Trump’s reluctance to run for state office – possibly due to financial disclosure requirements not found in federal races – local Republicans remain among his loudest cheerleaders. It was reportedly Carl Paladino who led RNC jeers against Ted Cruz

In the past week, as Trump has run through a gauntlet of gaffes and poorly considered and clumsily executed feuds with Gold Star parents and others, the Republican nominee has proven himself wholly unqualified to be President of this country. Perhaps to deflect from that, or maybe due to the GOP-led Erie County Water Authority controversy, the Republicans found what they though was a perfect nontroversy with which to distract attention – someone in County Hall mistakenly sent a political tweet late in the night, and quickly deleted it. That went nowhere. 

All the while, Carl Paladino has quietly forwarded Trump propaganda to his vast email list, and Congressman Chris Collins has gone out of his way to parrot Trump in his battle against the Gold Star Khans, even at the apparent expense of veteran support. Collins’ weak emesis of Trump talking points is notable; while Paladino has no soul, scruples, or real accountability, Chris Collins is currently running for re-election in a district that is overwhelmingly conservative, but also respectful of our military and veterans. The Buffalo News reported that vets have noticed Collins’ defense of Trump’s defamation of the Khans, and most aren’t pleased. It takes a lot of stupidity and hubris for a conservative politician to so fundamentally insult a core constituency – one deeply rooted in decency and patriotism. 

Collins’ support of the Trump defamation could very well be his undoing. After all, he’s not especially liked. He wins because of the (R) after his name in a district custom-designed for him. But as a person, he’s distant and aloof, and isn’t especially concerned with the affairs of average, middle-class wage earners. His personality is abrasive, his tone caustic. He’s as political as they come. As the Trump campaign reveals its core ugliness, this could have adverse effects on a party that already holds a widespread enrollment disadvantage in western New York. 

It becomes more evident by the day that Donald Trump doesn’t really share western New York’s values. He’s an entitled billionaire with a cabbie’s demeanor, quite unlike most of us here. 

As Republican politicians and donors watch the headlines about Donald Trump’s latest shocker, and as Trump’s poll numbers continue to sink, voters should really ask downticket GOP candidates their positions on what is quickly revealing itself to be a mere facade of a presidential campaign based around white nationalism. 

Ask people like County Clerk Chris Jacobs what he thinks of Donald Trump, his positions, and his antics. Go read this insightful and revealing interview with a pretty despondent Republican intellectual about what’s happening not only to the Republican party, but the conservative movement specifically. Donald Trump is not an accident or aberration – he is the culmination of a half century of movement conservatism. He is bold enough to lay it all bare. 

When the history of Donald Trump’s political rise and fall is written, subsequent generations will be asking you what you did about it. 

Chris Collins Takes on Uppity Gold Star Muslims


The genius of the Trump campaign is the way in which the candidate can be so easily baited into making an outrageously racist or otherwise insensitive statement, allowing the matter to pivot from the substance of the underlying claim to Trump’s own petulant demeanor. 

It is now August 2nd. Khizr and Ghizala Khan appeared at the DNC on July 28th. They spoke early in the proceedings – not in prime time. People loved the speech and it went viral, which prompted The Toddler to hit back. It’s still in the headlines, and we have Trump to thank for that. The only people who feel happy about Trump’s treatment of the Khans are his core base – Trump dead-enders. Just about everyone else, regardless of political persuasion, is aghast not just at the substance of his attacks, but its procedural ineptitude. 

It bears mentioning that the Khans were not duped into helping Hillary Clinton – the Khans spoke out spontaneously against Trump back in December 2015. Immigrants put up with a lot of shit in this country; even more so immigrants who look or sound or pray differently from what is supposed to be the mainstream. Even today, as the Khans articulate that they merely wish to be treated with some modicum of respect, Donald Trump’s allies and surrogates smear them as foreign agents or terrorist sympathizers. It’s such a simple smear – every outspoken but devout Muslim has terrorist ties. It’s the same libel as Trump’s original smear, birtherism. It is a way to dehumanize and disrespect immigrants – especially non-white, non-Christian immigrants – as being beholden to forces opposed to America or democracy or Christianity. 

It isn’t fair commentary, it’s bigotry. It’s bigotry when Roger Stone accuses Gold Star parents of being terrorist sympathizers. It’s bigotry when Donald Trump spends over a year going birther, or suggests that a federal judge of Mexican ancestry is disloyal or unfit. It’s bigotry for Trump to recommend an indefinite ban on people of the Muslim faith – including US citizens – entry or re-entry to the United States. 

I don’t have much to add to the overall media storm over Trump‘s incredible, unhinged interaction with the Khans. It all speaks for itself. I want to focus on local Congressman Chris Collins – a Clarence millionaire who treats his elected office as a peerage, and who was the first Congressman to endorse Trump, and a guy pandering to the worst forces in his party

Collins appeared on MSNBC and attacked the Khans – a Muslim couple who came to this country from Pakistan, and whose son was killed while fighting in our military for our country. The reason why Gold Star parents should be left alone by craven politicians? Their family sacrifice is to be honored and respected, regardless of what they say. Here is how George W. Bush – a President whom I think to be among the worst in history – showed his respect for military parents

One mom and dad of a dying soldier from the Caribbean were devastated, the mom beside herself with grief. She yelled at the president, wanting to know why it was her child and not his who lay in that hospital bed.

Her husband tried to calm her and I noticed the president wasn’t in a hurry to leave—he tried offering comfort but then just stood and took it, like he expected and needed to hear the anguish, to try to soak up some of her suffering if he could.

Later as we rode back on Marine One to the White House, no one spoke.

But as the helicopter took off, the president looked at me and said, “That mama sure was mad at me.” Then he turned to look out the window of the helicopter. “And I don’t blame her a bit.”

One tear slipped out the side of his eye and down his face. He didn’t wipe it away, and we flew back to the White House.

Sending your child off to war. Sending young people off to war. It’s the hardest thing a parent could do, and it’s one of the hardest things a President can do. Love him or hate him, Bush at least understood to some extent the gravity of what he had done. For Trump, however, it’s all a game. It’s all reality TV. 

Donald Trump is the Kardashian candidate. 

Chris Collins, who is gunning for a cabinet post in what would probably be America’s last government, doubled down on Trump’s disrespect for the Khans specifically, and Gold Star parents generally. The VFW took the unprecedented step of condemning Trump’s insane treatment of the Khans

Collins told MSNBC that the Khans had no right to attack Donald Trump, and that once they did, it’s open season. 

Here’s the funny thing: the Republicans in Trump’s thrall are all whining, accusing the Democrats of trotting out these Gold Star parents to attack Donald Trump with impunity. This is a tactic the Republicans have engaged in forever. This crowd is respectful of military service only when it politically suits them – when it doesn’t, they do stuff like put on Band-Aids with Purple Hearts printed on them to attack Vietnam Veteran John Kerry – attacks that have entered the political lexicon as “Swift Boating”. The Republicans are now Swift Boating the Khans because they do not believe that these immigrant Muslims cannot don the mantle of patriotism; they look, sound, and pray differently and can be more easily libeled and dehumanized. They have come out to support a Democrat, which makes their sacrifice an afterthought. From TPM

At this point, 12 years later, Mr. Khan has decided to enter the fray, attack Mr. Trump in a very inappropriate way when, in fact, it’s Hillary Clinton that ignores the First, Second and Tenth Amendments,” he said. “At that point, I can’t blame Mr. Trump for saying, I’m going to defend my integrity and my understanding of the Constitution.

I can. I can blame him. Here’s an idea for Donald Trump and all his surrogates: it’s ok to shut the fuck up every once in a while. It’s ok to shut the fuck up when the grieving mom and dad of a hero criticize you for calling them less than American. 

Pretty much anyone with any real political experience agrees that if Trump felt compelled to say anything, he should have thanked the Khans and reiterated how he would “make America safe again”. Instead, he launched into almost a week’s worth of ad hominem attacks on them, cheapening their sacrifice because they humiliated him.

In the Trump cult, humiliating the Leader is haram

It doesn’t matter that the Khans launched their criticism twelve years after their son’s sacrifice – they are addressing a candidate who has already cheapened it by suggesting that the Khans are unqualified for entry to the United States based on their religion, regardless of Passport. They have a right to be angry and indignant at this clown who suggests that they are insufficiently American. 

Maybe Chris Collins thinks being a Boy Scout is the same as being deployed to a war zone. 

Collins went on to point out that Clinton supported the Iraq War, a position Trump repeatedly attacked her for. He then cast Khan as an “attack dog” for Clinton and said that he uses his late son as a “shield” from criticism.

No, that’s decent Americans saying that attacking the Khans is going too far. Donald Trump even accused Mrs. Khan of being religiously forbidden from speaking at the DNC; he attacked a woman who had quite literally said nothing against him. Trump then said that Mr. Khan, “has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution.” Actually, the Constitution itself holds that he has exactly that right. 

“He’s become Hillary’s attack dog, and every time Donald Trump will say something, he puts up the shield, if you will, of the loss of his son,” he said.

It’s brilliant trolling. Every time Trump responds insensitively, attacking the Khans, this sweet couple shows their sympathetic faces and reminds everyone that their son died for their country, and Donald Trump can’t help but attack them more. 

“Mr. Khan is saying I’m immune from anyone criticizing me because my son died in a very heroic loss to the family and also in service of the country,” he continued. “But today he’s taken on a political role as an attack dog for Hillary Clinton, and I think, in that regard, he’s got to take what comes back at him.”

No matter what, apparently. 

Collins concluded the interview by saying he didn’t not blame Trump at all for the way he acted in response to Khan’s Democratic National Convention speech.

“That was very hypocritical, frankly, of someone to stand next to someone who has absolute disregard for the Constitution and then wave a pocket Constitution out in front of the camera,” Collins said. “That was an insult. We all know Mr. Trump. You take a swing at him, he’s going to punch back. Maybe some of the rest of us in the political world aren’t quite made up of that, but that’s Mr. Trump’s character, and, frankly, I don’t blame him.”

Collins also expressly disagreed with what former POW John McCain – a person whose military service Trump similarly disrespected and insulted – had to say: 

The Republican Party I know and love is the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.”I wear a bracelet bearing the name of a fallen hero, Matthew Stanley, which his mother, Lynn, gave me in 2007, at a town hall meeting in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. His memory and the memory of our great leaders deserve better from me.

In recent days, Donald Trump disparaged a fallen soldier’s parents. He has suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States — to say nothing of entering its service. I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement. I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers, or candidates.

Make no mistake: I do not valorize our military out of some unfamiliar instinct. I grew up in a military family, and have my own record of service, and have stayed closely engaged with our armed forces throughout my public career. In the American system, the military has value only inasmuch as it protects and defends the liberties of the people.

My father was a career naval officer, as was his father. For hundreds of years, every generation of McCains has served the United States in uniform.

My sons serve today, and I’m proud of them. My youngest served in the war that claimed Captain Khan’s life as well as in Afghanistan. I want them to be proud of me. I want to do the right thing by them and their comrades.

Humayun Khan did exactly that — and he did it for all the right reasons. This accomplished young man was not driven to service as a United States Army officer because he was compelled to by any material need. He was inspired as a young man by his reading of Thomas Jefferson — and he wanted to give back to the country that had taken him and his parents in as immigrants when he was only two years old.

Captain Khan’s death in Iraq, on June 8th, 2004, was a shining example of the valor and bravery inculcated into our military. When a suicide bomber accelerated his vehicle toward a facility with hundreds of American soldiers, Captain Khan ordered his subordinates away from the danger.

Then he ran toward it.

The suicide bomber, striking prematurely, claimed the life of Captain Khan — and Captain Khan, through his selfless action and sacrifice, saved the lives of hundreds of his brothers and sisters.

Scripture tells us that ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’

Captain Humayun Khan of the United States Army showed in his final moments that he was filled and motivated by this love. His name will live forever in American memory, as an example of true American greatness.

In the end, I am morally bound to speak only to the things that command my allegiance, and to which I have dedicated my life’s work: the Republican Party, and more importantly, the United States of America. I will not refrain from doing my utmost by those lights simply because it may benefit others with whom I disagree.

I claim no moral superiority over Donald Trump. I have a long and well-known public and private record for which I will have to answer at the Final Judgment, and I repose my hope in the promise of mercy and the moderation of age. I challenge the nominee to set the example for what our country can and should represent.

Arizona is watching. It is time for Donald Trump to set the example for our country and the future of the Republican Party. While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.

Lastly, I’d like to say to Mr. and Mrs. Khan: thank you for immigrating to America. We’re a better country because of you. And you are certainly right; your son was the best of America, and the memory of his sacrifice will make us a better nation — and he will never be forgotten.

Chris Collins, Nick Langworthy, Carl Paladino – all of them have fallen in line behind the Donald Trump cult. Their obeisance to the Leader trumps even their loyalty to country, their duty to constituents, and their respect for fallen American heroes and their parents. 

Here is a statement released by Collins’ Democratic opponent, Diana Kastenbaum: 

Mr. Collins’ appearance today on MSNBC was insensitive to the Khan family and self-serving. As the representative of the people of NY-27 and a so-called advocate for Veterans it was even more thoughtless and uncaring.

Diana Kastenbaum said, “Collins continued to be Trump’s surrogate by reiterating the insults to the Khan family in his interview. To have a talking point, which he used not once but twice, saying that it happened 12 years ago made it seem somehow irrelevant. My response to Mr. Collins is – the loss of a child has no expiration date for one’s grief. Collins also stated that Mr. Khan is not immune from anything as he has entered the political fray; therefore he leaves himself open to condemnation and criticism. I would ask Mr. Collins, is that how we treat the memory of our heroes and Gold Star Mothers among us?”

Mr. Collin’s defense of the Trump attacks on the Khan family was another opportunity for him to stand by the Republican nominee and the divisiveness that he is inflicting on our country. 

The Democratic Party Chairs of the 8 counties comprising the 27th released this: 

The Democratic Chairs of the 8 counties that comprise New York’s 27th District condemn in the strongest terms Rep. Chris Collin’s outrageous statement on MSNBC this afternoon. As he desperately attempted to defend his chosen candidate’s criticism of the Kahns, the Gold Star family who criticized Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslim immigrants since it would have prevented their son who died heroically in the service of our nation from even entering the United States, Rep. Collins went way over the line.

Incredibly, he accused Mr. Kahn of using his dead son as a “shield” from criticism and suggested he deserved anything he got, since he had dared to enter the fray.

Veterans and their families make up a proud part of this congressional district. All of them understand better than Mr. Trump or Rep. Collins what sacrifice actually means. Capt. Khan died defending his men and our nation. His family deserves our thanks and our compassion.

Rep. Collins brags about his role as a surrogate for Mr. Trump, even saying a few weeks ago that he had appeared on cable television for Mr. Trump’s campaign over 100 times. We have to wonder how much he is even concerned with New York’s 27th district, in the midst of this whirlwind of activity.

We understand that Rep. Collins desperately wants his candidate to become president, since, as he admits, he hopes to be named Secretary of Commerce. Today’s comments prove there are no depths to which Mr. Trump can sink that he will not gladly follow. The voters of NY 27 deserve a representative who has as his priority the people of the district, not his own advancement. The many veterans and service families of NY 27 also deserve someone who understands and appreciates the sacrifices they made and continue to make. Rep. Collins clearly does not. 

The Khans were mean to the Leader? Grow up and take it like men. Your childish, petulant, and fundamentally mean-spirited hatred is unbecoming, and I hope the parents of servicemen and women throughout the 27th Congressional District are appalled by Collins’ callous and casual disregard for their family sacrifice. 

Chris Collins has no clue what valor is. He and every other Trump supporter owns the disrespect their Leader has for people like the Khans, whom they would indefinitely exclude from the United States based solely on their religion. 

December Accuser Sues Evander Kane


While the local news is focused on allegations of Buffalo Sabre Evander Kane’s alleged criminal conduct at a Chippewa bar in June of this year, a lawsuit filed a few weeks ago has been largely overlooked. In December, Kane was being investigated for an alleged “sex offense”. That investigation was dropped in March, with no criminal action taken against Kane. It was reported, however, that the alleged victim had sought medical attention the next morning and had no memory of what happened.

In a complaint filed by her lawyers in state Supreme Court, the plaintiff Rachel Kuechle says that on the day after Christmas 2015, she met Kane at Encore Restaurant on Pearl Street, and he bought her some drinks. Early on the morning of December 27, Kane invited Kuechle to his room at the Harborside Marriott, “under the false pretext of attending a party” in Kane’s room. Kuechle alleges that Kane instructed his driver to take the pair to the Harborside Marriott’s employee entrance, where they entered the building. 

Providing no further details of what happened in that room, Kuechle’s complaint alleges that Kane committed a “violent, offensive” “battery” upon her, causing her to, “suffer bodily injury including lacerations, extensive bleeding requiring multiple surgeries and blood transfusions, and serious emotional trauma.” She goes on to bring causes of action against Kane for intentional infliction of extreme emotional distress, “unreasonably endangering” Kuechle, and negligence. 

Kane’s lawyers have not yet filed any formal Answer, and Kuechle’s accusations are just that. Kane likely will deny these allegations and will have an opportunity to litigate them as the process goes on. Although Kane’s insurance carrier may defend him on the negligence allegation, it probably won’t cover the intentional torts like battery. The complaint, however, provides some insight into the nature and severity of the allegations:

Lawsuit Against Evander Kane by Alan Bedenko on Scribd


Donald Trump: STAR Exemption and Tax Returns

Form RP-425-B_7_16_Application for Basic STAR Exemption for the 2017-2018 School Year_rp425b - Google Chrome 2016-07-29 12

Donald Trump critics on the right and left have been hectoring the candidate to do what every POTUS hopeful in recent history has done – release some tax returns. There’s no law requiring that he do so, but it’s a tradition and Trump’s rejection of it raises questions about transparency and what it is that he’s hiding. 

While Trump once claimed he wouldn’t release his tax returns while they are the subject matter of a current IRS audit, he has now flipped, and says he will never release them under any circumstances. Many commentators speculate that his tax returns might reveal some shady business dealings with, say, Russian oligarchs. But they won’t – that’s not it.

The real issue, I believe, goes back to a curious item that got only passing attention, but deserves more scrutiny. Donald Trump was the recipient of a middle-class tax exemption here in New York known as “STAR”. It’s reserved for people earning under $500,000 per year, and it acts to exempt some of the assessed value of a person’s primary residence from school taxes. Trump’s campaign spokeswoman said Trump would refund an amount equal to the STAR exemption, claiming it was all an “error”. But it was applied again in 2016, reducing the taxable valuation of Trump’s 5th Avenue condo by about $2300, saving him about $300 on his property tax bill. 

Obviously, it’s comical to quibble over a self-described billionaire receiving a break of $300 against a $200,000 property tax bill. However, the STAR exemption could not have been made in “error”; it is not automatic. An eligible middle-class homeowner must affirmatively apply to receive a STAR exemption. To qualify for STAR, an applicant’s total household income, including that of his or her spouse, cannot exceed $500,000. More specifically, it must be an applicant’s total federal adjusted gross income. At least with the current form, the applicant must prove that he meets that income requirement by appending a copy of the tax returns for all members of the household to the STAR application form

A STAR exemption cannot be the result of error or inadvertence – it must be applied for and approved. This can only mean that Donald and Melania Trump’s adjusted gross income for federal tax purposes was less than $500,000, and Trump’s tax returns would reflect that fact. It would also detail all of the various tax avoidance schemes this putative billionaire uses to lower his adjusted gross income to such a low figure. In other words, it would reveal an effective tax rate of a single digit percentile; possibly less than 1%. 

This would be embarrassing to Trump by revealing how he manipulates a tax system that is designed specifically to help high earners do avoid paying taxes; that he is as elitist as they come, and that he pays far less of a percentage of his income in taxes than we normal people. 

Put simply, were Donald Trump to release his taxes, they’d show that he lives a billionaire’s lifestyle while paying the income taxes of a surgeon. For a guy whose entire persona is based around dominance, success, and wealth, this would be damning and embarrassing. Donald Trump applied for the middle class STAR exemption, and he provided the documentation needed for approval. He can’t release his taxes because it would put the lie to everything he purports to stand for. 

#DemsinPhilly Sketchbook Day 3


Our man in Philly, Marquil from EmpireWire, puts pen to paper at the DNC for day three. Follow him at @EmpireWireNY

Breakfast speeches began with Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown reading a long list of thank yous.

Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY 10th District) meets the press.

Featured breakfast speaker, Senator Charles Schumer.

NY Democratic Party Chair Basil Smikle opens the morning lineup of speakers.

Tuesday’s featured speaker, Senator Gillibrand followed Senator Sanders

Governor Cuomo arrived at breakfast plus one.

After sustained applause from his supporters in the room Bernie Sanders reiterated his support for Hillary Clinton.

Democrats Need to Boycott WBEN


Not just boycott advertisers, but prominent Democrats need to stop appearing on its air. They lend legitimacy and help WBEN pretend it maintains news objectivity despite being not a news station, but a mouthpiece for the Trump campaign and the local Republican establishment. 

Here are a selection of DNC-related Tweets by WBEN’s official Twitter account, which – until this week – generally gave update on breaking news, traffic, and weather. It always kept editorializing and opinions off its Twitter account, seeing as it has 21 hours of every broadcast day already devoted to virulent right-wing hate speech, like the time operations director Tim Wenger wished he could throw shoes at Hillary Clinton (link)

Also, for fun, here’s how they reacted to a local newspaper going out of business, leaving creditors unpaid and talented people in the same industry jobless: 

I guess it’s not easy for media outlets not supported by massive national public corporations. 

Meanwhile, last week in Cleveland, there was wall-to-wall coverage of their God-Emperor Donald Trump. No fewer than two on-air personalities were on hand to broadcast remotely from Cleveland, and the guy who runs the station was there, too. 

WBEN’s remote broadcasts from Cleveland were underwritten in large part by Carl Paladino’s company. 

Query whether WBEN was there as a media outlet to cover a news event, or an active participant, helping to spread RNC propaganda to our corner of New York State. It’s not just that the tone of their coverage of the RNC ranged from neutral story-telling to overt Trump support, as evidenced by the anti-Cruz flurry of Tweets (below), but note the absence of even one live-tweeted critique or fact-check of any RNC speaker or speech, unlike what’s happening during the DNC from their Twitter account. It speaks volumes that no one from WBEN has deigned to travel to Philadelphia to cover the DNC in a way even remotely comparable to the slathering of pro-Trump honey they offered last week. Allow me to adopt some of the language of the Trump neo-nazi/alt-right fan base. 

Emperor-God party is AWN.

Verbatim regurgitation of Emperor-God’s favored cuck. 

Bespectacled man interviews Trump cuck. 

Interesting use of homophones here. 

Emperor-God flyby. 

Emperor-God lands magnificently. 

Emperor-God snubbed. 


Bespectacled man loses spectacles, interviews party boss. 

Blink once if you need immediate law enforcement intervention, bespectacled man. 

Thumbs up for the Republican Party’s official organ!

God-Emperor’s cuck checks phone. 

Cool, man. 


Emperor-God holds party congress. 

Such Balloons. 

Such Balloons, separate tweet. 

If you’re a Zellner or a Poloncarz or any other elected official or candidate with a (D) after your name, or if you consider yourself a progressive member of any other political party, know that WBEN has become little more than a safe space for local supporters of the Trump campaign. No proposal is too wild for them to blindly retweet. No expression of fear or hatred is too much for them to take to Twitter and deride with a childish “ummmm….” Understand that when you appear on WBEN, you are helping them maintain the sheen of impartiality, objectivity, and respectability on which they rely during the 3 nominally straight hours of daily programming. It’s the part that enables them to call themselves “Newsradio”.  But while it clearly is “radio”, it’s no longer “news” when it petulantly heckles one side while obsequiously doing another’s bidding. I’m frankly surprised they don’t just tag “#thanksObama” whenever they Tweet about anything from a terrorist attack to a traffic tie-up. 

WBEN’s social media has become a wholly-owned extension of the Republican Party, and every time anyone left-of-center appears on its airwaves, they help to perpetuate a fraudulent facade of objectivity that long ago ceased to exist. It was evident when WBEN sponsored an anti-SAFE Act rally in Albany. It was evident here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and here, and when WBEN regularly enables overt local racists to pollute its social media.  It’s evident now more than ever before, and the fact that they endure zero consequences from it emboldens them to do it more and more. 

#DemsinPhilly Sketchbook Day 2

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Our man in Philly, Marquil from, with some images from his sketchbook at the DNC. Follow him on Twitter at @EmpireWireNY

Thanks to a Senator from Vermont, a younger more colorful crowd of delegates shows up for credentials.

NYS DNC Delegate at breakfast gathering.

At the credential distribution, Bernie Sanders delegates shared a range of opinions (and an occasional manifesto) on the leaked DNC emails and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Congressman Charles Rangel (NY 13th District) makes a point after the breakfast had dispersed.

WBEN Drops the Pretense of Objectivity


They sent their marquee pm talker to Cleveland and at least one reporter to Cleveland to cover the Republican National Convention. 

No one went to Philadelphia. 

With the general exception of the three hours of straight morning news, WBEN spends the remaining twenty-one hours of every day deriding anything they label progressive (they prefer “regressive”), and heaping hatred, scorn, and derision on anyone with a (D) after their name, and anything that they might believe or opinion they hold. 

Last night I watched Bill Clinton give a truly unique speech where he told essentially a folksy story about his life together with Hillary Clinton, and the work she’s done, and things she’s accomplished. It was a speech only he could have given, and he delivered it in a truly compelling way. It was a reminder of what a powerful communicator he could be, and why people liked his Presidency so much. He also argued that Republicans were running against a cartoon that is two-dimensional, and completely manufactured. 

On Twitter, meanwhile, WBEN’s official Twitter account posted this: 

No. No, that’s not how a putative news outlet is supposed to act or behave. If you want to have Bauerle or Sandy Beach say dumb, biased stuff like this: 

That’s all well and good, if that’s the image you want to convey. But the News station’s Twitter account – call it common sense, call it best practices – should be impartial. If Tim Wenger or one of his hires wants to snark away on Bill Clinton during the Democratic National Convention, knock yourselves out.

But re-tweeting the local Republican county chair? 

Because of this this completely naked station-wide bias, it’s time for Democrats to boycott this station; perhaps all local Entercom stations. Why feed their ratings? Why make money for them? They’re so deeply in the tank for Donald Trump, let them pimp him all they want – without our help

Why give them the satisfaction of playing make-believe about impartiality or objectivity during those paltry three hours where they at least make an effort to pretend. Anything less at this point is to reward the fact that WBEN isn’t our station. They aren’t our people. It has a clear and palpable bias, and everyone from Ken Kruly to Bruce Fisher to Bruce Bryski to Jeremy Zellner to Mark Poloncarz should stop returning their calls, stop calling in, stop appearing, and stop having anything to do with WBEN until it treats Democrats like human beings. Geoff Kelly – stop going on Hardline. 

For whoever was running that WBEN Twitter feed last night, you sure as hell didn’t similarly lob bombs at anyone who spoke in Cleveland last week, and it is unconscionable for you to casually accuse Democrats of allowing Americans to die in Benghazi on Tuesday night and then inviting them on your licensed airwaves Wednesday morning. It’s the same blood libel as accusing Democrats of “banning” US flags at the DNC (a lie)…

…or that the flags weren’t properly displayed (they were), or that Democrats are unpatriotic or willing to essentially murder our diplomats or intelligence agents (a lie).

After a week in Ohio filled with fear and hatred, it is so refreshing to watch a convention filled with gratitude and hope. WBEN can heckle like a drunk at a comedy club, but it can’t change the truth. 

#DemsinPhilly Sketchbook Day 1

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Our man in Philadelphia, Marquil from EmpireWire, reflects on the first day of the DNC. 

A protest march from Philadelphia’s City Hall to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall along Market Street passed in front of New York’s delegation to the Democratic Party convention

Uncle Sam on stilts addresses onlookers and the media on Independence National Historic Park on the eve of the DNC nominating convention.

Protester at Independence Nationals Historic Park carries a large puppet head of Mohandas Gandhi.

Rally participants brought homemade signs focused primarily on environmental concerns.

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