Norquist Clarified

It’s not every day the teabagging wing of the Republican Party decides to overrule an 89-10 bipartisan Senate compromise over the payroll tax holiday.

It would appear, therefore, that the Grover Norquist pledge never to raise taxes to which GOPers have beholden themselves is voidable in the event (a) that the tax hike disproportionately affects middle-class wage-earners; and/or (b) the President isn’t a Caucasian.  I’m glad that the 112th Congress was able to clear that up for us.

You see, under the Republican supply-side sect of trickle-down theory, only tax cuts on the wealthy are acceptable. The middle class, working class, and poor looters must be made to pay more.

One comment

  • Norquist succeeded in dumbing down Congress members. Simple answers for complicated problems leads to inaction. The taxpayers hate and dispise all congress people. Their exception is apparently the incumbent from their own area. Someone needs to reread Profiles in Courage where congressmen actually voted for what was good for the country not just their own concerns. We sent them to do their best job, not to just mail it in.

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