Defunct Tim Kennedy Campaign Account Donates $45,000
As noted last week, state Senator Tim Kennedy (who famously switched allegiances in 2010 to support a de facto Republican majority, Collins-puppet County Legislature, in order to, among other things, secure Conservative backing via Steve Pigeon for his Senate run against dinosaur Bill Stachowski) has donated tens of thousands of dollars to the questionably legal political action committee being led by Steve Pigeon and Kristy Mazurek. The “WNY Progressive Caucus PAC” has been supporting Democratic primary candidates who are opposed to Erie County Democratic Headquarters, such as turncoat Democrat Barbara Miller-Williams, Joyce Wilson Nixon, Rick Zydel, and Wes Moore. Indeed, there seems to be ample evidence to suggest that the PAC has been coordinating its activities with that of some of these campaigns, in contravention of the law.
On September 5th, the 24 hour reports of big donations showed an influx of cash from “Kennedy for Senate”.
Here is the first set of Tim Kennedy cash that the Mazurek/Pigeon/Max PAC reported:
$45,000 from “Friends of Tim Kennedy” – an account that has been inactive since 2011:
The most recent activity for “Friends of Tim Kennedy” shows a balance of $8.61.
So, if the account had $8.00 in it and was inactive, how exactly did it re-appear and raise $40,000 just a few weeks ago?
UPDATE: A correspondent with knowledge of Election Law emails this:
That’s not all – people close to the Dearmyer campaign report that there have been phony pro-Dearmyer calls being made by people who are (a) not affiliated with her campaign; (b) not really supporting her and providing false information; and (c) being very rude when calling. This smells of this PAC.