Tag: humor
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Walking the Tightrope
Iowa Caucus Day: Irish Betting Edition
From a press release:
Irish betting company Paddy Power have made Mitt Romney the favourite for today’s Iowa caucus. The former Massachusetts governor is available at Evens with his nearest challengers’ libertarian Texas congressman Ron Paul and surprise package Rick Santorum both available at 2/1.
Further down the betting former front runners for the Republican nomination Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry are at 20/1 and 33/1 while Michele Bachmann at 50/1 and Jon Huntsman at 100/1 are the underdogs for the first GOP ballot.
For the Republican nomination Mitt Romney is also the favourite at odds of 2/5 followed by Ron Paul at 7/1 and Newt Gingrich at 8/1, a surge in support over the past week has seen Rick Santorum odds cut from 20/1 to 14/1 while Rick Perry continues to slide and is now a 33/1 long shot.
Paddy Power said “The race for the Republican nomination really is hotting up, Romney is the clear favourite at the minute but with this race already having had so many twists and turns we could have a few more surprises before the end.”
Iowa Republican Caucas
Evs Mitt Romney
2/1 Rick Santorum
2/1 Ron Paul
20/1 Newt Gingrich
33/1 Rick Perry
50/1 Michele Bachmann
100/1 Jon Huntsman
Republican Presidential Nomination
2/5 Mitt Romney
7/1 Ron Paul
8/1 Newt Gingrich
14/1 Rick Santorum
18/1 Jon Huntsman
33/1 Rick Perry
40/1 Michele Bachmann
Next President (Winning Candidate)
4/5 Barack Obama
7/4 Mitt Romney
12/1 Newt Gingrich
14/1 Ron Paul
20/1 Hillary Clinton
33/1 Jon Huntsman
50/1 Rick Santorum
50/1 Rick Perry
80/1 Michele Bachman
125/1 Joe Biden
All prices remain subject to fluctuation.
Paddy Power is Ireland’s largest bookmaker and a leading provider of gaming services in the UK, Australia and Ireland. Founded in 1988 Paddy Power is a publicly quoted company and is listed on both the Irish and London Stock Exchanges (www.paddypowerplc.com)
I was unable to attend the Erie County Legislature’s final session of 2011, which was the last for six lawmakers, including Chairwoman Barbara Miller-Williams.
Miller-Williams led a breakaway faction of three Democratic legislators who aligned themselves with the Republican majority, thus helping Chris Collins move forward with an agenda that was oftentimes at odds with that of Miller-Williams’ constituents.
Chris Smith and I did this video two years ago to explain it all (language NSFW)
The Buffalo News reports this:
“I implore you to please put people before politics,” Miller-Williams told her colleagues as the meeting wrapped up. “It’s always the right thing to do.”
Ironic, seeing as how Ms. Miller-Williams seldom took her own advice on that point. Unless, of course “putting people before politics” has something to do with ensuring political jobs for certain people.
Reacting to Miller-Williams, Joseph N. Welch had this to say:
Albany Santa
New readers may not be aware that I oftentimes post editorial cartoons done by an extremely talented artist/commentator living in the Adirondacks named Mark Wilson. His pen name is “Marquil”, and his work can be found at his website, EmpireWire. I think that his art and editorial content rival anything you’ll find in any paper, anywhere.
I don’t post all of his submissions, because some of them don’t really have any WNY relevance, but I hope you enjoy them and give him some love. I think they’re excellent.