Conservative Party Defames Sergio Rodriguez
When you have to attack and defame a poorly funded grassroots candidate who doesn’t even have the financial or organizational backing of his own party’s county committee, you have to wonder just how weak and pathetic your own fusion party is.
What on Earth could Sergio do differently from Byron with respect to the 2nd Amendment? Does this have to do with the NY SAFE Act?
He does pay his bills. All of these debts were satisfied in full. If Sergio is the only person who has ever found himself in school debt that he was temporarily unable to pay back, then this might be effective. Sergio came from nothing, served our country as a Marine, and got a college education. To hell with anyone who would do this to him. Seriously.
Rodriguez’s campaign says,
All this to deny voters a choice. Lorigo has now resorted to ugly, dirty, slanderous and baseless politics that people have grown to detest. I am a U.S. Marine who served honorably and with distinction, and will not back down from Lorigo’s shameful tactics. If somehow this chairman and his party’s out-of-touch leadership think for one minute that I will back down, they have another thing coming.
This is quite amusing, Conservatives claim the only immigrant they want in this country is one who works, does not live on a government hand out, joins the military, fights for this country, and learns english. So, what the hell is their problem now?
What is the problem now? Ralph Lorigo.
Lol! Why does Conservative State Chair Long allow these pimps of patronage to run any committee if they don’t believe in anything? These patronage parties have to go.
I could see Sergio giving the mayor big problems in the fall campaign.
Luckily, if he is elected, he won’t owe the conservagoons anything.
Conservagoons, that’s good!
the obamas did not pay neither until he became senator…