Conspiratorial Bullshit

Every time some idiot conspiratorial Alex Jones follower hack comes to your town, claiming that some horrible terrorist event was really a “false flag” staged by the government to take away your liberty, treat that person exactly as my new favorite person in Cambridge treats this imbecile. Language is NSFW. 

Tip of the Hat to Little Green Footballs


  • I don’t know who my favorite Bostonian is right now…David Ortiz for dropping the F-word before a Red Sox game, or this guy.

  • Conspiracy theories are inherently moronic and are easily recognized as such…and loud mouth jerks are loud mouth jerks, regardless of political affiliation.

  • I don’t think there is anything inherently “right wing” about conspiracy theories, I think the guy in the video is way off. It’s pretty obvious that this wasn’t an FBI operation but is there something wrong with having an open mind about things? Even if the idea is insane, there is nothing wrong with investigating it. Also, not sure if you know this but before Info Wars, Alex Jones was most widely known as the producer of the documentary “Loose Change” which claimed 9/11 was an inside job. That was when Bush was in office, you probably remember him as on of the most right wing presidents in the history of the country. Even though he might be a lunatic, he’s critical of both sides, and in fact began his career by criticizing the the right.

    • “Even if the idea is insane, there is nothing wrong with investigating it.”

      It is rarely good idea to give such stupidity the time of day let alone grant it the ‘legitimizing’ effects brought on any type of true investigation.

      EDIT : I added a few words here and there for the sake of clarity

      • This post grants it a legitimizing effect even though it’s negative. It continues to include it in the conversation therefor legitimizing it. What I’m saying is keep an open mind and the truth will rise to the top. Also, all you did there was pick out one line from that post. What do you think of the rest of it?

        • “This post grants it a legitimizing effect even though it’s negative. It
          continues to include it in the conversation therefor legitimizing it.”
          ->If that is what you took away from this video then you clearly missed its point

          “Also, all you did there was pick out one line from that post. What do you think of the rest of it?”
          ->That is was not worth commenting on.

  • Also, I think the fact that these conspiracy theories are so popular, to the point that you feel that you have to address them on this website, is reflective of the atmosphere of distrust that people have for this government. Even if they’re wrong, which they most likely are, the distrust is growing. What do you attribute that to?

  • Boston, birthplace of the revolution, where in 2013 you get ridiculed for raising questions about the government and your whole city gets shut down so a million men in swat gear can hunt for a 19 year old who has been alleged to have participated in a minor bombing.

    • Please take your conspiratorial bullshit and kindly piss off.

      • What conspiracy? The entire city was shut down to catch a 19 year old.

        • A 19 year-old who had just hurt 250 people and killed 3 in two separate bombings at the Boston Marathon, who had committed a carjacking, who had shot & killed a police officer, who had injured another in an epic shootout with law enforcement during which he & his brother threw several more bombs, and who escaped by ramming through a police roadblock, during which he ran over and killed his brother.

          Kudos to this kid for calling out the assholes who claim the FBI did it all.

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